Player API

Anytime a script based embed is used, VideoKen exposes a standard Javascript API that can be used to programmatically control the Player.

First, if you don’t have a reference to the Videoken player object, you need to get one

const player = VideoKenPlayer();

The following methods/properties are exposed on the player object

Method Parameters Description Return Type
play() - Play the video -
pause() - Pause the video -
seek(position) Integer Seek the video to position (seconds). The playstate will not change -
seekPlay(position) Integer Seek the video to position (seconds) and start playing -
getCurrentTime() - Returns the current time video is at Float
reset() - Closes all VideoKen controls -
isReady() - Returns whether the VideoKen API is ready Boolean
getDuration - Returns the duration of the video Float

The player exposes also a set of events. To listen to the events, use the following syntax

player.on('eventname', function(object) {
    // Custom code

The following events are exposed on the player object

Event Event object Description
ready null This event is fired when the underlying Player and the VideoKen API is ready
play null This event is fired whenever the video starts playing
pause null This event is fired whenever the video is paused
end null This event is fired when the video has reached the end, or the time specified by the ‘et’ parameter is crossed
seek Integer (The time to which video is seeked) This event is fired whenever the video is seeked
timeUpdate Integer (Current time) If the video is playing, this event is fired every second with the current time
buffer - This event is fired when the player enters a buffering state
controlsVisible - This event is fired when VideoKen controls appear
controlsHidden - This event is fired when VideoKen controls disappear

Note: Some of the above events might be missing on some players.